The Indian Express Excellence in Governance Awards, held recently at ITC Maurya, New Delhi ... Director Marketing & Communications, PwC India, besides ambassadors and lawmakers. Ashwini Vaishnaw: If ...
These selected establishments represent more than mere dining venues; they are cultural ambassadors showcasing India's rich culinary ... Dum Pukht, located at ITC Maurya, is renowned for its mastery ...
ITC dividend announcement: Announced an interim dividend of Rs 6.50 per share, with February 12 as the record date (Image: LinkedIn) A quick alert for all ITC shareholders. The share price of ITC ...
ITC is once again rewarding its shareholders with a hefty 650% dividend payout. If you held ITC shares as of the record date, a cash reward is coming your way soon. Here’s everything investors ...
It didn't have a great stock market debut but analysts believe ITC Hotels, which was recently demerged from parent ITC, can double its market cap. Here’s why. In a note last month, global broker ...
As a result, the court has vacated an ITC ruling that could have led to an Apple Watch import ban. In a statement to MacRumors, Apple thanked the court for its work and said that it will continue ...
William Taylor, były ambasador USA w Kijowie, ostrzega przed zniesieniem sankcji na Rosję w wyniku negocjacji w Rijadzie. Jego zdaniem, takie działanie przyniosłoby korzyści głównie Rosji, a nie ...
Wasyl Bodnar, ambasador Ukrainy w Polsce, ostrzega przed skutkami rozmów z Władimirem Putinem, które mogą pogorszyć szanse na osiągnięcie pokoju w przyszłości. Ambasador Ukrainy w Polsce, Wasyl Bodnar ...
JOHANNESBURG - President Cyril Ramaphosa will on Thursday be holding a credentials ceremony for nominated ambassadors from 14 different countries. The heads of mission designate will hand over ...
Uzbroiłbym się w cierpliwość, mimo że nie mam wrażenia, że coś z tego wyjdzie — stwierdza były ambasador RP w Ukrainie. Wtorkową rozmowę Trumpa z Putinem ocenił w "Fakcie" Jan Piekło.
We collaborate with the world's leading lawyers to deliver news tailored for you. Sign Up for any (or all) of our 25+ Newsletters. Some states have laws and ethical rules regarding solicitation ...