It's sea turtle nesting season. Dont forget to turn out your lights at night on the beach and stay away from momma sea ...
Máximo Napa Castro, 61, was spotted by the crew of an Ecuadorean tuna boat after he set out from the Peruvian port of Marcona ...
Bhubaneswar: After a record number of female Olive Ridley sea turtles laid eggs near the Rushikulya river mouth in Ganjam district, forest officials hope for similar nesting activity at Gahirmatha ...
An irreplaceable ecosystem, the Great Barrier Reef is home to thousands of species of marine life, including the endangered green turtle. Could saving this species provide hope for the reef?
Sea turtles famously lay their eggs in nests on sandy beaches. And then a couple of months later, droves of tiny turtle hatchlings emerge from eggs that look a little bit like ping-pong balls ...