The hope is that future renewable projects will reflect the state’s ambitions while upholding values of aloha.
hoary bats, bobcats, and mountain beavers. Your personal bar cart may seem far removed from forests and farmlands, but they are inextricably linked. It’s time we take an ecosystems approach to how we ...
Thousands of probationary employees — people who had been either recently hired or promoted — were given abrupt notice as ...
"Because that's how deeply and passionately I feel about the work," she said. Biologists conduct hoary bat mist net surveys. She's a biologist specializing in bats. And she said she spent 15 years ...
Other species of concern that use the area include hoary bat and northern goshawk. In addition, the property also provides a key connectivity corridor for grizzly bears traveling between the ...
For far too long, bats have been demonized as grim, ghoulish creatures of the night: they're practically synonymous with vampires, and they're a staple of just about every haunted house movie.
"This is an area that still has a lot of little brown myotis, a lot of silver-haired bats, a lot of hoary bats … These are three species that are in trouble, and there is a lot of interest for [them] ...
"This is an area that still has a lot of little brown myotis, a lot of silver-haired bats, a lot of hoary bats … These are three species that are in trouble, and there is a lot of interest for [them] ...