When it comes to buying outdoor gear, REI is unsurprisingly one of the top options for most people. Whether for hiking and ...
Backpacking in the snowy season doesn’t need to be an ordeal. We polled our colleagues to find out their best gear tips for ...
What you pack for a camping trip in the winter will differ from what you bring for a trip in warmer weather. Here are the ...
Read about five of the best pop-up truck bed campers you can get and learn how to choose the right one for you.
With these nine REI products, you'll be ready for a year of adventure.
From a Denver hotel resembling an aspen grove to national-parks-adjacent stays with mountain-bike rentals and train access into the Grand Canyon, these new places are definitely on our vacation radar ...
They may be small, but having certain tools and gadgets on your keychain can come in handy when you least expect it. Here are ...
camping, or fishing. The small hammer can securely anchor tent stakes; you can adjust zippers or clips on hiking gear with the needlenose pliers, while you can tighten or loosen bolts on things ...
Overtourism is swallowing major destinations alive, with countries like Japan, Spain, Italy, and Indonesia suffering the ...
You can power everything from electronics to appliances to essential medical equipment when the grid goes offline.
Campsite reservations open Jan. 28. Camping will look different in the park this year, as forests and the town of Jasper ...
They’re great in an emergency, but they’re also essential tailgating and camping equipment ... to test an extremely wide range of outdoor gear, including mobile and off-grid electrification ...