(RNS) — The changes are not only sensible but, after last year's massive loss of life at the Hajj, necessary. (RNS) — Hajj is too expensive. Hajj is too crowded. Hajj isn’t regulated well ...
Failure to meet obligations could result in hefty fines or permanent licence revocation Dubai: Saudi Arabia has reaffirmed its firm stance on holding Hajj service providers accountable ...
Saudi Arabia has introduced changes for the 2025 Hajj pilgrimage, including a ban on children to ensure safety due to crowding risks. First-time pilgrims will be prioritized and a new installment ...
Free-of-charge reservation cancellation should be made by April Pilgrims perform prayers at the Grand Mosque in the Saudi holy city of Mecca ahead of the Hajj pilgrimage, on June 19, 2023.
Et hold amerikanske forskere kan nu konkludere, at verdens største haj har opholdt sig i det, der i dag svarer til Sønderjylland. Forskerne har sammenlignet forskellige forssilfund af arten Otodus ...
Hajj 2025: Big announcement by Saudi Arabia...after ban on entry of children and change in visa policy, now this... The Saudi Arabian government has issued guidelines regarding in which cases the ...
Verdens største kendte haj var slank, 24,3 meter lang og fra Gram Lergrav i Haderslev Kommune, viser ny forskning fra amerikansk universitet. Den største haj, der nogensinde er fundet ...
DUBAI, UAE, March 11: Saudi Arabia has reiterated its firm stance on holding Hajj service providers accountable, issuing a stern warning that any failure to meet the highest standards for pilgrims ...
The Jigawa State Pilgrims Welfare Board has extended the deadline for the payment of Hajj fares. The board’s spokesperson, Habibu Yusuf Babura, announced the extension in a statement on Wednesday.
KUALA LUMPUR-All prospective Malaysian haj pilgrims must obtain the meningococcal vaccine, while Covid-19 and influenza vaccines are mandatory for those in high-risk groups. Citing a press release ...
Få meter fra kysten blev en kvinde tidligere på måneden angrebet af en større haj, da hun var på ferie på Turks- og Caicosøerne i Caribien. Den 55-årige kvinde fra Canada forsøgte at få fat i det to ...