Failure to meet obligations could result in hefty fines or permanent licence revocation Dubai: Saudi Arabia has reaffirmed its firm stance on holding Hajj service providers accountable ...
Et hold amerikanske forskere kan nu konkludere, at verdens største haj har opholdt sig i det, der i dag svarer til Sønderjylland. Forskerne har sammenlignet forskellige forssilfund af arten Otodus ...
Verdens største kendte haj var slank, 24,3 meter lang og fra Gram Lergrav i Haderslev Kommune, viser ny forskning fra amerikansk universitet. Den største haj, der nogensinde er fundet ...
DUBAI, UAE, March 11: Saudi Arabia has reiterated its firm stance on holding Hajj service providers accountable, issuing a stern warning that any failure to meet the highest standards for pilgrims ...
The Ministry of Religious Affairs and Interfaith Harmony continues its efforts to improve Hajj arrangements and promote interfaith harmony nationwide, ensuring a smooth and accessible pilgrimage ...
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