The shortest month of the year packs a heck of a punch! There are a lot of holidays and fun things to celebrate in February.
See how the groundhog became a symbol for predicting seasonal changes in America, rooted in German folklore with a badger — ...
Staten Island Chuck (a.k.a Charles G. Hogg) is the borough’s resident groundhog. He lives at the Staten Island Zoo in West ...
Groundhog day originally came from an old tradition called Candlemas Day that started in the United States in 1887 in ...
The day eventually evolved into what we know it today. In 1886, Groundhog Day was acknowledged for the first time in Punxsutawney by a local newspaper, Weathers Wags, according to the club. In 1887, ...
Groundhog Day is this weekend. Here's everything you need to know about the tradition and how to see the all-knowing groundhogs make their predictions.
This Sunday is Groundhog Day at which Punxsutawney Phil will predict whether there will be six more weeks of winter.
Ever wonder where all those unusual, unofficial holidays come from? These themed holidays seem to pop up more and more lately ...
Our weekly ePaper presents the most noteworthy recent topics in an exciting, readable fomat.
Before you take the trip over to Pennsylvania for Groundhog Day festivities there, you should at least know a little bit about Punxsutawney Phil, especially if you want to see if he sees his shadow.
While the best players in the world have descended upon Melbourne for the major, their 'cartoon characters' have also returned to our screens. Like last year, fans have the option of watching ...