The "Dinner in America" revival hits L.A., "Altered States" in 35mm and Super Bowl counterprogramming with "Kansas City" and ...
Fame Finders Media brings you an exclusive look at these prominent personalities-mentors who are transforming lives, empowering professionals.
A new study published in Scientific Reports simulates particle creation in an expanding universe using IBM quantum computers, ...
Theoretical physicists have established a close connection between the two rapidly developing fields in theoretical physics, quantum information theory and non-invertible symmetries in particle ...
It seems that there is an explanatory gap between adults’ categories of affects and infants’ somehow undifferentiated primordial feelings along the lines of orthodox affective category theory; ...
Then, it seems, no one knows.” Kleinginna and Kleinginna (1981) considered 92 definitions and 9 skeptical descriptions produced by scientists in the field, which effectively represent the lack of ...