Comedian Sunil Pal's alleged kidnapping in Meerut has taken a twist. A leaked audio clip suggests the incident, involving a Rs 7.5 lakh ransom, might be a staged publicity stunt. Pal claims he was ...
That's why we went to some of the world's leading GI docs for advice. Read on to learn what the experts do to make sure they can always button their pants. "I have a green smoothie most mornings ...
Instead of “let’s do shots”, they are buying cardboard cups and filling them up with frozen yoghurt on a Saturday night. Carla, a Millennial Aussie who runs the social media account Go Woke ...
This meant he still had enough funding through the post-9/11 GI Bill to cover his law degree. Though he had scholarship opportunities at other schools, Pavel says his preference was to attend the ...
Yu-Gi-Oh! was originally created by Kazuki Takahashi for Shueisha’s Weekly Shonen Jump magazine, and ran from September 1996 to March 2004. The series follows Yugi Mutou, a young boy who solves ...