The farnesoid X receptor (FXR) is a bile acid nuclear receptor that plays a crucial role in regulating bile acid and sterol metabolism.
They do all this by binding to a receptor called FXR, which acts like a traffic light, controlling cholesterol metabolism and bile acid production to avoid excess buildup." Here's where the ...
It has been shown that primary bile acids are capable of inducing cathelicidin gene expression in biliary epithelial cells through the FXR. Secondary bile acids that are byproducts of metabolism ...
Novartis has joined with Allergan in a bid to get ahead in the race to get a drug approved to treat the fatty liver disease, non-alcoholic steatohepatitis (NASH). The Swiss pharma said it is to ...
highlighting the key roles of bile acid receptors, such as FXR and TGR5, in this process. Additionally, the gut-brain axis has been shown to be involved in the development of brain diseases in a ...