French scientists on Tuesday announced that they had reached a "crucial milestone" in the long road towards nuclear fusion by ...
WEST, a tokamak run from the CEA Cadarache site in southern France and one of the EUROfusion consortium medium size Tokamak ...
French research organization CEA reported that on 12 February, the CEA’s WEST tokamak maintained a nuclear fusion plasma for ...
Chinese scientists sustain plasma at 100 million degrees C for 1,066 seconds in EAST, advancing nuclear fusion research.
Nuclear fusion has the much-vaunted potential to provide the world with clean, safe and nearly inexhaustible energy. Read ...
WEST is one facet of an international movement comprising other major experiments in which CEA researchers are heavily involved, such as JET, the Joint European Torus tokamak in the United Kingdom ...
Plasma was kept stable for 22 minutes at the French research reactor WEST. The team wants to achieve several hours in future.