David Ehrlich is the Reviews Editor and Head Film Critic at IndieWire. Based in Brooklyn, where he lives with his wife, their two young children, and a crushing amount of anxiety that he treats ...
In E. coli, the presence of certain group VIIIb transition metal compounds in concentrations of about 1–10 parts per million of the metal in the culture medium causes an inhibition of the cell ...
Portland's sewer system combines sewage and runoff into the same pipes. Sometimes heavy rains cause those pipes to overflow. But a sewer overhaul 14 years ago has drastically reduced this pollution.
Compiled and edited by Dr. F. Himmelweit, with the assistance of the late Martha Marquardt. Under the editorial direction of Sir Henry Dale. Vol. 2: Immunology and Cancer Research. Pp. viii + 562 ...
Disgraced former crypto billionaire Sam Bankman Fried is serving a 25-year sentence in New York City’s Metropolitan Detention Center. He’s learning about such things as sports gambling and a ...