As evident, Hazlitt’s one lesson has vast applications. This essay now delves into its deployment on the Danish welfare state ...
Millions are turning to an unregulated herbal extract to curb their opioid addiction. But do the risks outweigh the benefits?
Poring over a text or a label on a jar doesn’t count ...
In the second of her five essays asking what it is that connects the soul and music so powerfully, Catherine Coldstream recounts how in pursuit of transcendence she was carried away by the mysticism ...
Barbara Steveni (1928-2020) was a pioneering artist who broke boundaries with new concepts such as “the artist as a living ...
"Many people feel big Pharma actually feared me more than they feared Bobby because of my credibility and my knowledge of ...
One halcyon spring day in 1903, the 69-year-old anatomist and naturalist Dr. James Bell Pettigrew sat at the top of a sloping ...
A restless period of cancer treatment gave Jess Hill the clarity and courage to finally voice her ideas about why Australia's ...
Afeni smiled proudly as she witnessed her son’s emotional intelligence blossom.  She knew she had laid a firm foundation for ...
Testimony Before The Subcommittee on Health Care and Financial Services Committee on Oversight and Government Reform United States House of Representatives February 11, 2025 Robert Rector Senior ...
Justason Lahue, from Burr and Burton Academy, won first-place with an essay on the effects of social media on adolescents’ ...
is a doctoral student in philosophy at Stanford University in California. From 2012-22, she was a practising cognitive scientist, focusing on causal reasoning in early childhood. She earned her first ...