The capacitive biosensor achieves rapid detection of H5N1 and E. coli, streamlining pathogen monitoring and enhancing ...
Light and electron microscopy each have their distinct limitations – with light it becomes increasingly difficult to resolve ...
Biology might ultimately provide a solution, however. Researchers have identified bacteria that evolved the ability to digest ...
Genetic switches could play a role in creating complex eukaryotic genetic circuits for programmed cell-free systems or artificial cells.
Scientists in South Korea have engineered tiny bacterial cells that are churning out plastic. The plastics produced by the modified Escherichia coli ( E. coli) bacteria are known as polyester amides ...
A self-powered, three-component biosensor capable of killing bacteria in water samples has been developed by materials ...
A new study from the University of Toronto has found that a low-carbohydrate diet may increase the risk of colorectal cancer ...
The low carb diet thinned the mucus layer in the colon that protects against microbes. In the mice with E. coli, this allowed colibactin to reach colon cells. Colibactin is a genotixin – it damages ...
Parasitic weeds are ruthless freeloaders, stealing nutrients from crops and devastating harvests. But what if farmers could ...
UC Riverside scientists discovered how to make parasitic weeds die early using plant hormones. This method could help farmers ...