The authorization was granted to ImmunityBio, the manufacturer of Anktiva ® (nogapendekin alfa inbakicept-pmln), an interleukin-15 receptor agonist, indicated with BCG for adult patients with BCG ...
K9 Hurricane, a 16-year-old Belgian Malinois who was the most decorated dog in U.S. history, has passed away. “As much as we knew this time was coming there was no way to prepare. We miss him so ...
When compared with traditional dry dog food, soft, wet dog food usually contains more protein, fewer carbs, and no potentially carcinogenic preservatives. Plus, soft dog food is much easier to chew ...
BCG chief executive Christoph Schweizer told the Financial Times there had been a rise in M&A deals on the firm’s “radar” and that it expected an increase in due diligence and preparatory ...