Watching a puppy learn about the world can make anyone smile, but some dogs' unique experiences are truly one-of-a-kind.
Una uruguaya fue el nexo para que la Udelar realizara un estudio con la Universidad de Carolina del Norte sobre narcolepsia ...
Dogo Argentinos are courageous and trustworthy. Among big dog breeds, few are quite like the dogo argentino. This serious-looking dog may have you thinking that it's aggressive or unfriendly.
A raíz de numerosos ataques de perros llamados potencialmente peligrosos, la Municipalidad de Córdoba junto con el Ente ...
BOCA RATON, Fla. (CBS12) — Tri-County Animal Rescue is showcasing some of their adorable adoptable dogs, including Princey, Blackie, and a Dogo Argentino pup from a recent litter. Paul from the ...
Una mujer de 22 años, con cinco meses de gestación, fue atacada por su propio perro. Fue derivada a tres centros médicos para ...
In the UK, five dog breeds are banned - the pit bull terrier, Japanese Tosa, Dogo Argentino, Fila Brasileiro, and as of ...
En Colombia, según lo ordena la ley, no se puede prohibir tener animales de compañía en apartamentos o conjuntos residenciales.
A couple have criticised the police after their dog was seized from their home following the issuing of a court warrant. In ...
It comes after hundreds called for Ralph's return, insisting he was an American bulldog and not an illegal breed. His owner ...
Most dogs are social by nature, but not all enjoy sharing their homes with other animals. Some breeds are naturally ...
Natasha Goodall and Jordan Williams say their dog Ralph is not a banned breed - they have hit out at police after the pooch ...