Likeablob is using a Raspberry Pi to power this cool pizza clock that uses slices to represent the time instead of hands like ...
Career path: I have come from starting out as a production manager and media enthusiast to exploring the world of marcoms with C2 Native since 2017. I have curated social content, and developed and ...
A shown-up picture: a crystal from indium- (pink) and ytterbium (blue) ions. (Credit: Physikalisch-Technische Bundesanstalt) Traditional ion-based atomic clocks face a significant limitation: they ...
Google faces a probe under the UK’s new digital competition law. REUTERS “And for businesses, whether you are a rival search engine, an advertiser or a news organization, we want to ensure ...
If you're a Tesla fan, then you definitely know all about the 2025 Model Y. The brand's best-selling model has received a comprehensive mid-cycle refresh, during which it has welcomed an updated ...
Google Search Faces First UK Probe Under Tough Digital Rules CMA to probe if Google is preventing innovation by others Rules give the CMA more powers to impose fine, gather data ...
The investigation is the first under the new digital markets competition regime that came into force this month. As a result of the new rules, the CMA will decide whether a small group of ...
Simplify your digital environment with the best digital asset management templates for, Wrike, Softr, Airtable, Stackby, and more. Digital asset management templates are great for file ...
Eleven stages are planned for transitioning from paper to digital filing, with the next batch of counties to come online Feb. 3. That includes 13 counties in the southeastern region of North Carolina.
An unintended effect of the EU approach is feeding an overwhelming sense of disorientation as organisations face exponential regulatory complexity when operating in the digital world.
Rupert young, senior partner, Brunswick Gulf: Everyone associates digital with consumer communications. However, there is an important avenue for digital in the corporate space. It is a niche field ...