Morkii aangoo fi rakkoo waraanatti geessa jedhamee yaaddessaa jiru irratti BBC waliin turtii kan taasisan Obbo Geetaachoo ...
In his new book 'The Islamic Moses,' US-based author Mustafa Akyol turns to the Quran's focus on a shared prophet to ...
The pro-West Druze of southern Syria have all but declared independence from the new jihadist rulers of the country. They need allies.The post Druze sovereignty in Syria is in America’s ...
Jaarmiyaan UK taa'ee haala mirga namoomaa Sooriyaa keessa jiru hordofu loltoonni Siiriyaa lammiilee nagaa hawaasa Alawite ...
It is part of a collection of rules and regulations imposed on those granted dhimmi status that are intended to mark them out as inferior to Muslims. So while paying the jizya does guarantee a level ...