For years, an organic dairy farm in Del Norte County has claimed their animals were treated humanely. A recent lawsuit ...
The American Veterinary Medical Association (AVMA) has released a new video promoting its policy on how to reduce pain for cattle during a common surgical procedure—dehorning. Many breeds of cattle ...
Analgesia for dehorning calves has been a somewhat controversial subject since I can remember. We learned in vet school about lidocaine infiltration with needles including nerve blocks and/or whether ...
In addition to vaccination of young calves, producers need to develop plans for good management practices for castration, dehorning, and branding (if applicable). Beef Quality Assurance (BQA) in a ...
Both environmental and nutritional stressors should be considered. Laying the groundwork for good herd health should begin early in a calf’s life. Routine practices such as dehorning and castration ...
I heard a story the other day about the city slicker who visited a farm for the very first time. He was fascinated by all he ...
Feedlot operators would thus be able to source a larger number of calves with the same characteristics and health standards, as club members would commit to follow the same specific management ...
The Echo5dOpinion
Wombat abuser
The American influencer who thought it was fun to take a baby wombat from his mother has been advised by the prime minister to try taking a crocodile instead. ‘Take another animal that can actually ...