The Vampire Diaries aired between 2009-2017 and centered around a love triangle between human-turned-vampire Elena Gilbert (Nina Dobrev), and the vampire brothers Damon Salvatore (Ian Somerhalder) and ...
Paul Wesley is sinking his teeth into a new TV show about a vampire who dreams of being an actor. Wesley, 42, is an executive ...
In more recent years, you can catch his chiselled cheekbones in The Whole Truth, Hillbilly Elegy, The Strangers: Chapter 1, ...
But sometimes, the casting falls short, and the new actor ... Salvatore from The Vampire Diaries don't even look related. This is just not the same person. Period. The CW 9.Young Damon also ...
Set in the fictional town of Mystic Falls in Virginia, the series follows 17-year-old Elena Gilbert (Nina Dobrev), who falls in love with two men, Stefan Salvatore (Paul Wesley) and his brother Damon ...
No matter how complicated they get, most movies break down into a very basic conflict: the good guy fights the bad guy until ...
Discover why Ian Somerhalder refused to watch Robert Pattinson's Twilight films, and how this helped shape his portrayal of ...
Fans wouldn't have loved one book-accurate power for Ian Somerhalder's Damon Salvatore in The Vampire Diaries.
saying that Damon “broke the ultimate golden rule, which is no surprises.” After “SNL,” things worked out for Wayans. He went on to become a hugely successful comedic actor, starring in ...