A new website has been launched to connect landowners with businesses looking to offset their environmental impact. LINC: ...
The report by the World Bank, IFAD, and ILRI outlines strategies for balancing livestock sector growth in Eastern and ...
Having spent most of his time travelling the world shearing sheep, UK-born Will Hinton now milks cows on a share farming ...
In fact, they found that per kilogram of beef, pasture-raised cattle are generally more carbon-intensive than cows raised in ...
Every time dairy farmers think about sustainability, they should be thinking instead about efficiency. This was the ...
Building nuclear power plants requires keeping air-polluting coal power going for an extra 25 years and killing 3,000-10,000 ...
Carbon credits sold on the voluntary market are under scrutiny for not offsetting greenhouse gas emissions as claimed.
The Act remains, with opponents suggesting Carney could reimpose the tax at some future, “opportune” time. Carney could have signalled an intent to amend or repeal the Act, but chose not to, ...
A playground milk bar serving fresh local drinks has been introduced in Hay-on-Wye. The Wholy Cow Milk Bar is an exciting new addition to the Brecon Road playground, installed by Hay Town Council's ...
WINNIPEG — A shift to de-regulation might be underway in Ottawa. On March 18, agriculture minister Kody Blois announced that ...
It is thanks to this concept that we now know that it can take up to 83,000 litres of water to manufacture a car, or 10,800 ...