With the advent of computers, smartphones and other various forms of technology, cow herd records can be easier than ever.
Japanese researchers have created a no-touch cow-tracking system using multi-camera technology, offering 90% accuracy for ...
Less than a year after USDA’s National Agricultural Statistics Service (NASS) announced it was nixing a major cattle ...
The costly financial and milk production consequences of H5N1 infections in US dairy have been laid bare in new research ...
Emma Briggs, a beef cattle systems specialist, said selecting the right bull is one of the most important decisions a cattle ...
Autonomous Rancher offers herd management software as well as GPS tags that can track an animal's location, health and more.
“When you see the herds that have very high reproductive performance – like pregnancy rates of 50% -- they are doing a lot of ...
A theory for their cause of death was that a tap from a water tank to a trough was accidentally off. The deaths have ...
Dairy producers are increasingly putting internet-connected collars and ear tags on their cows, helping better track the ...
Through rigorous selection and strategic matings, Gateway Wagyu incorporated elite bloodlines, including genetics from Peter ...