In a significant crackdown, Churaibari police in Assam seized 22 cartons containing a total of 2,200 bottles of prohibited ...
The Border Security Force (BSF) thwarted a deadly attack by Bangladeshi smugglers who were trying to cross over to the Indian fencing area in Malda district, West Bengal, and seized a huge quantity of ...
Treatment typically includes decongestions, cough suppressants, and expectorants. If OTC treatment doesn’t help relieve your cough, a doctor might prescribe medication depending on the causes.
Honey is very soothing when mixed in a hot drink and some even suggest that it acts as a mild cough suppressant. Saltwater can draw excess fluid from inflamed tissues in the throat, which in turn ...
For more than a decade Bethan has been living with a chronic refractory cough, the medical term for a condition with no obvious cause. It's a common complaint thought to affect one in ten of the ...
The sticky black cough syrup has been produced by Hong Kong-based company Nin ... pays homage to the syrup with its ‘Antidote’ cocktail. Kriti is a stay-at-home dog mama, whose knack for telling ...
Kohli and Rizzo do not recommend taking cough suppressant medications, unless a person has a severe cough that leaves them unable to sleep. “We don’t want any secretions that we might have in ...
Every cough tells a story about your health, but some narratives demand urgent attention. While most coughs resolve naturally, distinguishing between a minor irritation and a serious health ...
These characteristics result in a trachea that can’t maintain its shape when the dog inhales and exhales, but instead narrows and collapses, producing the characteristic cough. The most ...
Meanwhile a pharmacist can help if you have a cough and advise you on the best syrup, medicine or sweets to take. If you have a persistent cough which hasn't gone in weeks, you should visit your ...
Whooping cough, also known as pertussis, is a contagious respiratory illness, but it is preventable with a common vaccine. For many, it can start with symptoms similar to the common cold ...