The Bridge Presbyterian Church announced it will host the fifth annual Drive Through Imposition of Ashes for Ash Wednesday.
"It's deeper than abstaining from ice cream," said Fr. Bill Swichtenberg of St. Mary Catholic Community in Appleton.
The Lent season – which is a 40-day period of prayer and fasting leading up to Easter – starts on Ash Wednesday and ends on the Thursday before Easter Sunday. This year, Ash Wednesday and the ...
Every year in February and March, you'll see people walking around with black smudges on their foreheads. There's a simple reason for it – it's Ash Wednesday, an important season for Christians. Ash ...
Mardi Gras — or Fat Tuesday — celebrations will precede Ash Wednesday, and the start of the Lenten season for 2025. Ash ...
Ash Wednesday, the first day of Lent, will be celebrated on Wednesday, March 5 this year. More: What will spring be like in ...
As spring moves into sight, the Christian Easter season is getting closer, and that starts with Ash Wednesday. However, this year's Easter season starts much later than usual. While Ash Wednesday ...
Netflix has given Wednesday fans exactly five seconds of footage to whet appetites for the upcoming series two - and, needless to say, devotees are hungry for more. A teaser trailer released on ...
It’s almost time to return to Nevermore Academy for Wednesday‘s second season as the Netflix series looks to the future. The streamer unveiled that the production has officially wrapped for Se ...
We use cookies and similar technologies to provide our services and to measure and improve your experience. If you choose ‘Accept’, the online marketing you see about ITV will be more relevant ...
Championship game coverage will appear in Wednesday's print edition with a robust supply of copies available at normal retail locations. Additional options for ordering commemorative newspapers ...
Ash Trevino, a TikTok content creator known for her relationships with incarcerated individuals, has sparked a new wave of attention on X (formerly Twitter) since January 26. The Texas-based ...