Here, Captain Kuro, who had been planning to steal Kaya’s inheritance by forcing her to write him into her will and then having his pirate crew attack the island, killing her, and leaving him ...
Kuro sees crewmates as pawns, unlike Luffy who values his nakama. Luffy took satisfaction in beating Arlong for what he did to Nami. Orochi's treatment of Wano's residents fueled Luffy's hatred ...
Over the past few days, Nigma Galaxy started to confirm its returning members for the new season, beginning with the team captain, Kuro "KuroKy" Takhasomi. However, one player will not be with the ...
New season, new Nigma Galaxy. This time around Kuro "KuroKy" Salehi Takhasomi, founding member and long time team captain of Nigma won’t be a part of the active roster. Much like many of the Dota 2 ...