In the video clip, the cheetah family were seen pouncing and then feeding on their kill even as some villagers armed with ...
Bird flu has long been a top contender for starting the next pandemic. Between 2003 and 2023, there were 882 cases reported ...
Minnesota officials have quarantined a Stearns County dairy herd after milk samples tested positive for the H5N1 strain of ...
Cows are violently kicked, punched, and struck with pipes and electric goads at a dairy farm supplying a company that sells ...
Recent viral mutations have shown avian influenza’s adaptability to mammalian hosts, prompting infectious disease, animal ...
Malcolm Flynn, 72, was a member of the Ramblers’ Association and had been doing a route along the famous wall in sections ...
"Globally, we continue to see that mammals can be infected with avian influenza A (H5N1)," Meera Chand, Emerging Infection ...
The Stearns County detection is the first in a Minnesota dairy herd so far this year. The same 620-cow herd also tested ...
California health officials confirm human cases of bird flu linked to Central Valley dairy farms, with 37 workers and one ...
A retired teacher was killed by cows which repeatedly attacked him after he was tossed into the air during a walk with his ...
A new H5N1 bird flu mutation has appeared in a cluster of infected dairy cows. It's a genetic change that scientists say ...
One of the ways it can spread to healthy poultry farms is by a single infected duck visiting a flock and shedding the virus ...