Perayaan bertema SEVENTEEN yang mengambil alih Jakarta, sebuah inisiatif eksklusif yang diselenggarakan oleh HYBE bekerja ...
Cari tahu olahraga aman dan efektif untuk penderita osteoarthritis, mulai dari jalan kaki hingga pijat, serta gerakan yang ...
The importance of colostrum in a newborn calf is no secret. However, it can be a challenge for producers to know whether a calf is getting enough colostrum to receive optimal passive immunity from its ...
During the winter it’s common to have a tougher time keeping calves active, which is necessary for them to maintain body heat. While some farms have heated calf barns, others don’t. If you’re having a ...
Enterotoxemia, also called “overeating disease” or “purple gut,” can cause the death of a young calf in as few as 12 hours, with signs that are not detectable until it is often too late. One reason ...
Analgesia for dehorning calves has been a somewhat controversial subject since I can remember. We learned in vet school about lidocaine infiltration with needles including nerve blocks and/or whether ...