This black hole merger animation was created using data collected by the LIGO and Virgo gravitational wave detectors, an observation designated GW190412. Credits: © N. Fischer, H. Pfeiffer, A.
As black holes slowly vanish through Hawking radiation, their information may be preserved in subtle space-time ripples, a ...
This is suggestive of an interesting event in the galaxy's past that could have produced an influx of material into the ...
Astronomers have discovered a unique black hole jet collision in the galaxy Centaurus A, producing a V-shaped X-ray emission.
For half a century, astrophysicists have been trying to solve the Black Hole Information Paradox—first explained by Stephen ...
In a groundbreaking study, researchers have developed optical spring tracking to enhance signal clarity in gravitational-wave ...
From the moment it unfurled its distinctive hexagonal mirrors in early 2022, the James Webb Space Telescope has treated the ...
According to research, as reported by The Conversation, binary black holes can form when galaxies merge. During such collisions, the black holes from the merging galaxies are brought closer by ...
Astronomers have used the Very Large Telescope to discover the first binary stars around the supermassive black hole at the ...
Miller contributed his neutron star merger simulations to The Well, one of the two datasets released by Polymathic AI. This dataset includes numerical simulations of complex phenomena, such as ...
This nonlocality is "nonviolent" because nothing energetic like an explosion or merger that is causing the ensuing gravitational waves — the ripples in space-time outside the black hole.