Kunden von Zoo Zajac staunten in Duisburg am Montag nicht schlecht, als sie auf den Parkplatz fuhren. Es kam zu ungeahnten Szenen.
Spring is approaching and one sure sign of the season are the new babies at the San Diego Zoo who are venturing outside of ...
Große Freude im Kölner Zoo: Elefantenkuh Marlar hat einen kleinen Bullen geboren. Und auch ein Spielkamerad hat sich schon ...
Alfred was downgraded from a tropical storm to a tropical low as it continues to linger close to Bribie Island, 65km ...
More than 250,000 homes were without power from northern Brisbane down to Lismore in NSW as the weather system continued its ...
Officials say flooding rains will continue for days to lash a region of the Australian east coast even though it avoided its first tropical cyclone in 51 years. Tropical Cyclone ...