At least 6,000 New York National Guard troops have been deployed to state prisons for weeks, helping to preserve safety and ...
The Florida Legislature is making a push to increase certain benefits for members of the State and National Guard. WFSU News ...
Rome, and members of the Senate Republican Conference announced that they have sent a letter to President Donald Trump.
DAV (Disabled American Veterans) and RecruitMilitary® will co-host the National Virtual Veterans Career Fair, March 18 from ...
CARSON CITY – The Silver State’s revamped — and relocated — Reserve Component Transition Assistance Advisor program team is ...
An event at the South Dakota Military Heritage Alliance won’t be the only fundraiser on Saturday to help a South Dakota Air ...
These are three of dozens of incidents documented by the National Guard that paint a picture of discrimination from Topeka, ...
The military helps troops and veterans achieve their educational goals with financial assistance offered through a number of ...
Indiana's National Guard struggles with declining enlistments. New legislation aims to support members, provide better ...
Military families have many of the same needs as civilians, but some are exacerbated by frequent moves and deployments that ...
The 9.6 million Tricare beneficiaries have seen various changes in the Department of Defense health care program.
Two benefits that continue to help those in the military community stretch their dollars are commissaries and exchanges.