In the 2025 LCK Cup, Gumayusi only played five matches compared to Smash, who played 15 matches including the playoffs against Hanwha Life Esports, where T1 was eliminated. HLE went on to win the ...
An ADC tier list ranks the top champions in the bot lane, particularly those who scale their damage through items. Discover ...
In today's article, our focus will be on ADC roles, one of the most popular but also the most demanding roles in the League of Legends. Let's start with the guide. ADC roles require a lot more ...
First Stand 2025 is in the history books and we are here to tell you the five most picked champions at the event.
Answer: The champion who says “Guns and swords go together like rice and saffron” is the Desert Rose, Samira.
T1 CEO Joe Marsh has put Gumayusi back on their starting roster himself after Smash starting over him sparked controversy for the org.
Here are the best mid laners in League of Legends: The ADC role (Attack Damage Carry) is important in any League of Legends team. As the only traditional duo lane in the game, the ADC is generally ...
League of Legends patch 25.05 is making some very controversial lane swap changes, something that has players concerned.
Let's explore everything we know about League of Legends' newest anti-lane-swapping ... play top lane while Caitlyn often plays bot ADC. Though some Champions counter each other by nature, role ...
Even if the LoL Championship Series (LCS) bowing out in the quarterfinals, FlyQuest's journey — and especially the emergence of their rookie ADC, Fahad "Massu" Abdulmalek, has given the North American ...