SARA: Kaisan lives in East London. He and his mate Naeem try to live by the teachings of the Muslim holy book the Qur'an. This is my best mate Naeem. Hi I'm Naeem and I love football. We do a lot ...
The Qur’an refers to this incident: “We raised the Mountain over you saying: Hold firm to what we have given you, and study its commandments; so that you may attain piety towards God, (as God lovers) ...
A total of 734 unapproved copies of the Al-Quran and 19,682 Quranic materials valued at RM502,737 were confiscated in an ...
An 18th-century Qur’an on view is open to beautifully decorated pages bearing the sacred text’s first verses, which compose the Surat al-Fatihah, a chapter recited at every prayer. There is a richly ...
It commemorates the revelation of the Qur’an, the sacred scripture of Islam. Muslims believe Allah (God) gave it to the prophet Muhammad during this month. Say goodbye: These Georgia Joann ...
[It will be] the Day when no soul shall have power [to do] aught [ie anything] for another Heaven is described in the Qur’an as a beautiful garden. Jannah is Paradise, where those who have been ...
The Fiji Muslim League has strongly refuted a statement made by Opposition MP Alvick Maharaj. Maharaj had claimed that there ...
Eid al-Fitr, a two-to-three-day festival at the end ... which is observed during Ramadan, as the Qur’an considers it an act of deep personal worship where Muslims seek a richer perception ...