The message for this weekend looked at the idea if Jesus will return to earth a second time. Our senior pastor, Jim Burgen, covered the subject in about 30 minutes. I will not try to capture the ...
By Van SpragueIt’s a common mantra. “I don’t care what anyone thinks.” Living this way can mean that you are confident and ...
And many folks rightly see a passage such as Romans 1:18-32 as stating that the sin of a people BECOMES the judgment of a ...
9 They will be punished with everlasting destruction and shut out from the presence of the Lord and from the glory of his might ...
Paul and his companions desire to return to Thessalonica and are praying that they will be able to do so (1 Thess 2:17, 3:13). Paul's pastoral affection for the Thessalonians evident in the letter ...