Polish Foreign Minister Radosław Sikorski confirmed that U.S. arms shipments to Ukraine through Poland have returned to ...
Polish Foreign Minister Radosław Sikorski and Slovak Foreign Minister Juraj Blanár discussed the potential consequences if ...
Or sign-in if you have an account. Canadians planning to travel to the U.S. for more than 30 days will no longer have to be fingerprinted, after a change to an upcoming policy. On Feb. 25 ...
March 7 (UPI) --The U.S. Customs and Border Protection renamed one of its Air and Marine Operations units Thursday in honor of an agent who died in the line of duty. In a press release ...
이런 특징을 지닌 자음의 기본 글자는 ㄱ ㄴ ㅁ ㅅ ㅇ입니다. 이들 소리는 그렇게 각각 소리 날 때 보이는 발음기관 모양을 본뜬 것입니다. ㄱ은 혀 ...
At the time, the U.S. government cited Venezuela’s lack of cooperation in providing information to verify whether its migrants posed a national security or public safety threat to the U.S. That ...
어떤 회사의 대표 라면 제품명이 신라면인 것은 매운(辛. 매울 신) 라면이기 때문입니다. 이 단어를 발음할 때 더러 주저하는 경우를 봅니다.
U.S. inflation data for February will be the highlight among economic data as investors continue to follow the back-and-forth of U.S. President Trump’s announcements on tariffs. A rate decision ...
Immigration officials say anyone living in the U.S. illegally will soon have to register with the federal government, and those who don’t could face fines, imprisonment or both. The registry ...
While that analogy is imperfect, its’ basic premise holds vis-à-vis the popular debate regarding the type of government that we have in the U.S. Specifically, there are many people who claim ...
링크 클릭해 개인정보 입력 유도 최근 조지아주에서 '피치패스 (Peachpass) 톨비를 내라’는 스팸 문자가 무작위로 발송되고 있어 사기에 걸리지 않도록 주의할 필요가 있다. 둘루스에 거주하는 백모씨는 한 달 전부터 톨비를 내라는 내용의 문자를 여러 차례 받았다고 제보했다. 그러나 최근 받은 문자 메시지는 더욱 정교해져 “링크를 클릭할 뻔했다”고 말했다.
The rise of e-commerce continues to disrupt logistics and supply chain operations, driving the need for faster, more efficient delivery models. As consumer demands evolve, traditional freight methods ...