The National Bank of Canada has released stunning data showing the extent to which government spending is holding up Canada’s ...
Assistant Minister for Immigration, Matt Thistlethwaite, said the quiet part out loud in a recent speech to the Sydney Institute. Thistlethwaite admitted that over recent decades, Australia’s ...
House Price Index (HPI) reported a 16.7% decline nationwide from the market peak in 2021. This has brought real ...
One of the common arguments the property lobby makes against negative gearing reform is that rents would skyrocket if ...
CoreLogic’s daily dwelling values index, which measures value growth across the five major Australian capital city housing markets, rose by 0.5% in September: As illustrated above, the 0.5% monthly ...
The Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS) released its Finance and Wealth survey for the June quarter of 2024, which shows that household wealth hit an all-time high of $16,477.2 billion after ...
Last weekend recorded the lowest final auction clearance rate of 2024, with only 60.7% of homes selling across the combined ...
Last last week, the ACCC made it abundantly clear, once again, what’s happened to Australian energy: The effect of LNG producers’ decisions on available gas The LNG producers’ decisions on the timing ...
David Llewellyn-Smith is Chief Strategist at the MB Fund and MB Super. David is the founding publisher and editor of ...
Jarden economist Anthony Malouf says the investment bank has concluded that increased government spending on the $49 billion National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) is contributing to inflation ...
Goldman with the note. The August core PCE price index rose by 0.13% month over month, while the year-over-year rate edged up to 2.68%. Core services excluding housing increased 0.16% and market-based ...
If you want housing affordability, then raze Canberra because it is not coming otherwise. Labor has a suite of policies stuck in the senate designed to inflate the bubble: Corproitizing rents to embed ...