All data relevant to the study are included in the article or uploaded as supplementary information. The relationship between personal and political circumstances is perhaps nowhere more clearly ...
The concept of a ‘good death’ remains debated, with research largely focused on the Global North, leaving gaps in understanding its relevance to the Global South. While the concept of a good death is ...
This project aimed to evaluate the acceptance of a short, animated video addressing excessive exercise within the context of eating disorder (ED) behaviours among diverse target groups, assess its ...
Illness narratives have traditionally been used as a conceptual tool for exploring experiences of chronic illness or disease. In this paper, I suggest that Frank's typology of illness narratives ...
Jane Austen’s letters describe a two-year deterioration into bed-ridden exhaustion, with unusual colouring, bilious attacks and rheumatic pains. In 1964, Zachary Cope postulated tubercular Addison’s ...
The Cost of Dying Exhibition: public, professional and political reactions to a visual exhibition depicting experiences of poverty at the end of life ...
The impact of social and material conditions on mental health is well established but lacking in a coherent approach. We offer the concept of ‘vitality’ as means of describing how environments ...
The nineteenth century science of teratology concerned itself with the study of malformations or “monstrosities”, as they were then called. The first major contribution to the field was the work of ...
Among the growing number of works of graphic fiction, a number of titles dealing directly with the patient experience of illness or caring for others with an illness are to be found. Thanks in part to ...
Correspondence to Dr Angela Woods, Centre for Medical Humanities, Caedmon Building, Durham University, Leazes Road, Durham DH1 1SZ, UK; angela.woods{at} If you wish to reuse any or all of ...
This paper addresses a current debate in the bioethics community between principlists, who consider that principles are at the heart of moral life, and narrativists, who see communication at its core.