The seal named Chappy, which had been found flat on its stomach on a cold, snow-encrusted street in New Haven, Conn., had an ...
Snow leopards’ gray-white pebbled fur helps them camouflage ... Yet another adorable cold-weather animal, harp seals have thick, oily fur and lots of blubber to help them stay warm in the frigid ...
As an Arctic species, Harp seals often consume snow and ice for fresh water. When they haul out on beaches, sick, dehydrated, and stressed Harp seals may start eating sand, confusing it for snow.
New Haven Police Department via Storyful Police stayed with the seal, estimated to be 5 to 6 weeks old, until officials from the nearby Mystic Aquarium arrived. Francesca Battaglia, an animal ...
Same with the otters that seal. They’re all just rolling around in the snow, having the time of their lives. This is what animal happiness looks like! It’s just too bad that it doesn’t snow ...
And, sort of unfortunately, the bizarre animal ... of that snow monkey, meanwhile, they say the behavior was not aggressive. "Unlike the case reported for the Antarctic fur seal and king penguins ...
The Oregon Zoo took video of a few of its animals enjoying the snow on Thursday, including polar bears, otters, and a seal. Portland got 1.7 inches of snow on Thursday, according to the National ...