We offer the world hope that it can withstand this tidal wave of hatred and escape the abyss of confusion. We have endured.
It takes creativity to embrace an invisible God. It takes strength to worship a God who exists, who lives, but who does not ...
The monastery’s full name is The Sacred Autonomous Royal Monastery of Saint Catherine of the Holy and God-Trodden Mount Sinai. It lies at the base of Jabal Musa, thought to be Mount Sinai and ...
If the West is going to survive as a semi-concrete entity and not either be subsumed into an amorphous global neoliberal blob ...
Not only do Moses’s kinsmen, the tribe of Levi, kill 3000 people, but to add insult to injury God also gets into the act and ...
"Our Father." Father Vanni's little volume, which is a concise commentary on the Lord's Prayer, provides some new perspectives about this central prayer of the Christian's life. The version of the ...
Glens Falls owned its second straight perfect season, making it a 54-game winning streak by beating Mount Sinai 77-57 on ...
When He had finished speaking with him on Mount Sinai, He gave Moses the two tablets of the testimony, stone tablets, written ...
Allah made Islam to be an easy religion. But the Quran tells us Jews that we must not work publicly on the Sabbath or we will be named monkeys and pigs.
a microcosm of creation; a place of revelation; but yet a place of subtle, ever-present miracles that testify to God's constant present in our everyday lives. Jim Long was feeling a bit under the ...