Are zonkeys real? Well, going by the video captured by one North Mexican zoo, these zebroid hybrids are quite real.
Initially, the scene seemed like a peaceful moment of new life, but it quickly became a harrowing spectacle as the stallion attacked both the mother and the foal. Zebra stallion's unexpected ...
why did tropical Africans never domesticate their own species of wild horse, the zebra? Zebra are closely related to the domesticated horse, sharing a genus (Equus) and a common ancestor.
Plains zebras are the smallest zebra species. They’re also the most abundant—in fact, they’re the most numerous of all the wild members of the horse family. They roam across much of ...
As the name suggests, plains zebra graze on the open grasslands and savannah. They are very social - most live in small family groups with a stallion, several mares and their foals. Other males ...
A rare hybrid foal known as a zebroid was born on Sunday at Erbil Zoo, west of the city, a zoo veterinarian said on Monday.