Thousands of people have attended events in Waitangi in northern New Zealand, to celebrate the country's national day.
Flames 10 metres high loomed above the Roxburgh town hall as firefighters spray water into it. The building is home to what ...
Fiji has acknowledged the relationship under the Duavata Partnership, through which New Zealand has supported Fiji on ...
A Dawn Ceremony marked the beginning of Waitangi Day commemorations at Te Whare Rūnanga Marae, while a traditional waka parade took place in front of Te Tii Marae before docking near the lower Treaty ...
Waitangi Day (and the week prior) has long been a place of controversy and politics. And after a rocky year of Māori-Crown relations in 2024, culminating in the largest protest to ever arrive at ...
Prayers as dawn awakened for Waitangi Day...known as New Zealand's national day, which drew the biggest crowd in three decades. It was an early start at the ...