C omplex, nuanced storylines aren't what fans come to Dragon Ballfor. Compared to other, more narratively driven battle ...
Dragon Ball DAIMA teased a new fusion using the Demon Realm bugs, but never delivered causing fans to feel disappointed.
The first canon appearance of Super Saiyan 4 Goku should have been spectacular, but he completely fails to defeat Gomah.
The cast of Dragon Ball DAIMA may not be as strong as Dragon Ball Super's, but Gomah, Gomah, and Vegeta are more powerful ...
S uper Saiyan 4 is one of the most popular transformations in the history of Dragon Ball. While the series it debuted in, Dragon Ball GT, is divisive, Super Saiyan 4 itself is wid ...
It isn't at all unusual for Vegeta to be mistreated by Dragon Ball. Being the main rival and fighting partner of Goku, it's his narrative duty to fall short of victory so that the protagonist can look ...
Even with how weak Vegeta is made to look in the newest episode of Dragon Ball DAIMA, he may still be able to contribute to the battle against Gomah. An appearance by Vegito has been repeatedly ...