His work reminds us of a low frequency version of the USB to VGA adapter turned GHz SDR transmitter, and we’re very eager to see where it goes from here.
[gmgfarrand] needed an extra USB port to power some devices. Since he just needed power, and no data, he slapped together this quick adapter that pulls power from the vga port instead. While we ...
This is an example how to connect VGA display to STM32 using cheap DisplayLink adapter. DisplayLink is a kind of USB video card with internal framebuffer RAM, so you can connect such adapter to the ...
You can also buy USB-C adapters for the many older display standards out there, such as VGA and DVI. We’ve picked the best for you below. Many hubs and docks aren’t compatible with Apple’s ...
This is not a "driver" for the adapter, so you can't use it to display your desktop or anything like that. The usb device behaves very strangely, it seems to disconnect itself on setup. For example, I ...