Marvel Cinematic Universe (MCU) film Thunderbolts will be released in theatres on May 2, 2025. Directed by Jake Schreier, the film is based on the Thunderbolts comic book series by Kurt Busiek.
The Thunderbolts have been a long-awaited MCU team. The quasi-villainous anti-hero/misfit gang is a staple of the Marvel Comics world, and many heroes have been a part of it at some time or another.
As Marvel Comics nears the highly anticipated One World Under Doom event, a new Thunderbolts* series has been announced, featuring the fiery presence of Ghost Rider‘44. Doom’s iron fist is ...
Thunderbolts* and Skeleton Crew share similarities in unlikely group dynamics. Skeleton Crew episode 5 hints at Thunderbolts* tone with action-packed heists, alliances, and humor. Director Jake ...