While in a side plank hold, reach your top hand straight up and rotate down to bring your hand under your bottom side. -Then rotate back up to the starting position. RELATED: 6 Best Side Ab ...
Here are five dynamic side plank exercises that can give you a stronger core. The classic side plank hold is a quintessential ...
Looking for the best exercises to lose belly fat? Look no further! This exercise is perfect for creating the abs you desire.
Benefits of Pilates for New Moms. Any kind of stretching and strengthening exercises are wonderful for your body no matter your age or time in life. But new moms face their own ch ...
This core move will set your obliques on fire. Fitness trainer Emma Obayuvana explains how to do a side plank for maximum results. There are only so many burpees and press-ups you can do in your ...
Dropping down from your hands to your forearms is one option ... This is the workout: 10 partial single-arm sit-ups 15 leg lifts Side plank (on forearm) with dumbbell reach 15 reverse crunches ...
Come into a high plank position with your wrists stacked under your shoulders. Slowly lift one hand, ensuring your hips don’t move to the side by bracing your abdominalds, and tap the opposite ...