The homemade gun believed to have been used to kill former Prime Minister Shinzo Abe appears clunky and crude, but the creator clearly had considerable knowledge about weaponry, a firearms expert ...
The homemade gun used in the shooting of former Prime Minister Shinzo Abe apparently employed an electrical charge to ignite homemade gunpowder that would then fire off a volley of conventional ...
NARA--A legal loophole has prefectural police scrambling in their efforts to pile on an additional charge of illegal use of a weapon in the slaying here of former Prime Minister Shinzo Abe in ...
NARA--Prosecutors on Jan. 13 indicted Tetsuya Yamagami for the murder last July of former Prime Minister Shinzo Abe, concluding after ... red-handed with a homemade gun, according to sources ...
Tetsuya Yamagami indicated he planned to kill former Prime Minister Shinzo Abe in an anonymous ... that he brought a concealed gun to a venue in Okayama where Abe gave a speech for a candidate ...
Just over a year earlier, Kishida’s predecessor, Shinzo Abe, was shot dead in the street ... countries in the world and has extremely strict gun laws.