Jerry Seinfeld himself acknowledges that Season 3's "The Alternate Side" was the most uncomfortable episode of Seinfeld.
Festivus is an alternative holiday to Christmas celebrated by the Costanza family within the Seinfeld Universe. It was first introduced in Season 9, Episode 10, and was invented by Frank Constanza.
Well, it came when Jerry Seinfeld released a promotional clip of his film Unfrosted, which is also his first shot in the ...
Curb Your Enthusiasm season 12 is setting up a redo of the Seinfeld finale, which could work better for this show. The season premiere sees Larry arrested for violating a new Georgia law, leading ...
the Seinfeld episode, appropriately titled "The English Patient," aired on NBC, in which Elaine develops a burning hatred for the film that nearly ruins her life. The Season 8 episode not only ...
Festivus is a wacky holiday popularized in a 1997 “Seinfeld” episode. Billed as “Festivus for the rest of us,” the holiday is celebrated by the Costanza clan on Dec. 23 as an all-inclusive ...