Satellite imagery from Maxar taken on September 21 reveals a potential failure during a test of a Russian RS-28 Sarmat intercontinental ballistic missile at the Plesetsk Cosmodrome in northern Russia.
By maintaining a robust and modern ICBM force, Russia aims to deter potential aggressors and preserve strategic parity with ...
The first flight test of Russia’s latest intercontinental-range ballistic missile is expected at the beginning of next year. Russia just tested its powerful RS-28 Sarmat intercontinental ...
The trials will be concluded in 2020. After that, a verification test-launch of the serial-produced missile will be conducted. The RS-28 Sarmat is a Russian advanced silo-based system with the ...
According to Timothy Wright of the International Institute for Strategic Studies (IISS), the Russians continue to face ...
The RS-28 Sarmat is the Russian advanced silo-based ... The media reported in late December 2017 about the first successful pop-up test of the Sarmat ICBM. Hamas refuses to extend first phase ...
The first flight test of Russia’s latest intercontinental ... Russia just tested its powerful RS-28 Sarmat intercontinental ballistic missile. The first RS-28 Sarmat ICBM regiment is expected ...