and holy basil all have similar care needs to Genovese types and all of them grow well in small pots or window boxes. 2.
You can start with a simple and cheap pot of supermarket basil and turn it into your own large supply to last you all year.
Whether potted outdoors or on your windowsill, there are a few easy tips to remember when planting basil. First, ensure your plant is potted in a container with a drain hole and place it in a ...
Their final home needs to be a sunny, sheltered spot. Basil in a pot needs regular feeding - use a general-purpose liquid feed. Water little and often, nip out the tips and remove any flower buds ...
It’s been reported that parsley, coriander, rosemary, chives, mint and thyme are all popular herb pot choices in the UK but it seems nothing comes close to our love of basil, which reigns supreme.