Student learning outcomes (SLO) are the key component of an assessment plan. These are concise statements that indicate the knowledge, skills, and abilities that students in a program are expected to ...
Learning Outcomes from the Software Management area: Develop information technology solutions by evaluating user requirements in the systems development environment. Students in this program will be ...
Outcomes can be at the university, program or course level. Learning outcomes may be defined as the change in a student’s knowledge or skills as a result of the student’s experience(s). The focus of ...
Student learning outcomes clearly state the expected knowledge, skills, attitudes, competencies, and habits of mind that students are expected to acquire from an educational experience. National ...
Although they each have their own identity, all Affiliates believe in shared values and student outcomes. The Center for Leadership is intentional in ensuring that all students at CU who are engaged ...
Student learning outcomes (SLOs) allow us to determine whether students are reaching the goals and objectives that we want them to achieve. They are expressed as specific statements describing the ...
The following four broad, division-wide student learning domains and related student learning outcomes statements define/describe the co-curricular learning that takes place through the programs, ...
Student learning outcomes (SLOs) in our academic and co-curricular programs reflect the specific types of learning (knowledge, skills, dispositions) we expect as a result of students’ educational ...