The Microscopy Core includes four confocal microscopes and one two-photon microscopy suite. The confocal microscopes include a ZEISS 510 system with three lasers (488, 543, and 633 nm), a Leica SP8 ...
The Leica SP8 is a dual purpose visible confocal microscope and multi-photon on a single platform. The confocal microscope is equipped with 4 detectors, one of which is a highly sensitive hybrid ...
If you liked confocal microscopy, you're going to love multi-photon systems, now available from Bio-Rad Instruments. Taking the principle of confocal microscopy one giant step further, multi-photon ...
IMA™ is a fast and all-in-one customizable hyperspectral microscope ideal for complex ... crystals or live cells. Photon etc.’s hyperspectral imager, IMA TM, can be equipped with a highly ...
One widely used method of in vivo fluorescence ... and then affix the rodent's head to the objective of a two-photon microscope. This typically involves an anesthetized animal, but recent work ...
On the two-photon front, there are also constant developments that can extend the usefulness of laser microscopy. One shortcoming of most two-photon microscopes is that the serial scanning of the ...
Unlike other two photon microscope designs ... To this day, the Sutter MOM with MScan2.0 remains the one platform available that can switch back and forth between conventional and resonant ...
Spooky imaging One of their possible ideas is based on a method going by the evocative name of "quantum ghost imaging" or Zou-Wang-Mandel effect.In this method, an entangled electron–photon pair ...